Tears of joy, tears of fear, all wrapped up into this thing we call parenthood. Keep on believing in your precious son.

Yesterday I listened as my 45 year old single daughter told me of her plans for a solo weekend trip across country to attend a concert. “There’s lots of beautiful hiking trails there, Mom”. Alone. God, keep her safe, keep her safe.

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You are awe-inspiring. Preparing for our 35 year old to go solo into his own apartment. He feels he is ready, yet does not recognize his own vulnerability. Wants so badly to have friends, so would be easily manipulated. We keep the faith that he will succeed.

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Don't worry Momma, you have done all you can and you have to let Jack and the Lord do the rest. I am having issue letting my son go. He is not Autistic, however, his heart is heavy with all he had to grow up with and I'm scared for him. I wish I had you with me when he was growing up. I'm sure things would be different.

It is sad that they leave and only come back to visit. Then get in an argument with one, then never see them or your grandchildren, one is Autistic, he has been the love of my life and he doesn't know I exist anymore. My granddaughter comes over to see her other cousins, not me. I find it very sad, but do not know what to do. It's like I'm in quicksand and can't move. Don't worry momma!! All will work out exactly how it's supposed to.

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