Jun 17Liked by Carrie Cariello

Simply. Our Charlie.

Why’s that water running down my face?

My eyes won’t stop dripping.

His sweet life also represents my son. Yes, I cried watching, listening to this.

He’s so precious. And still looks like that little dark eyed boy.

He is our, Charlie too.

Time, please stand still.

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What a beautifully written tribute to your boy! Has me over here sobbing! Mine are all out of the house now, well my baby is back and forth till she graduates college, but watching your video makes me feel it all over again. That's what your writing does Carrie, it puts me in the moment, feeling the feelings, so real....Charlie is a good boy and he has a bright future ahead of him....I love that he is able to.come to you guys when he has feeli gs that 💙 are painful and he can work thru them...so many kids take the permanent solution to a temporary problem. Thank you Carrie for this!! ❤️ ❤️


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Con"grad"ulations Charlie! 👨🏻‍🎓

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This boy…manchild…more in touch with his being than many men (& women too) manage in their lifetime.

You’ve both parented Charlie with a foundation he can implement in any setting or life transition/stresser. His mainstay= himself! His port in random storms= his folks. His tribe, oh such beautiful sibling souls. His TALENT his refuge & renewal. His spectacularly true and thoughtful heart seems to be the ultimate treasure of “his being” for his own survival & teaching others how to LIVE authentically here on this planet. CHEERS Mom & Dad and Best Wishes for Charlie’s launch to the next season. Hope he can revel for a bit in the accomplishment with some great fun!

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Fantastic video! Charlie has such sensitivity and kindness in his eyes. What a beautiful boy he is!

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I’m a middle child of 5. Charlie is so good looking (all your children are!). He’s going to great things. He’s so well rounded. I love the photos. Such a wonderful reflection of his 18 years. Thank you for sharing. ❤️

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Beautiful writing as always and the video had me in tears from beginning to end. Charlie is a gem of a young man. ❤️🎓

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What a beautiful video Carrie 💕💕

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Precious “middle boy”, so brave and driven!

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